Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another Week Gone By

This week has flown by. A new yarn shop is coming to Fresno and part of Yarnology may be moving to the valley. YEAH!! Thanks to Minnette for forwarding my email. It's been a great week!
I frogged Nob Hill. It was too big and we decided there was no hope for it. I finished my crocheted slipper pattern and have a rough draft typed up, so be on the look out for the Revelation Slipper pattern. I haven't taken any pics yet. They are fabulous! I started designing my next pair the other night. I have so many ideas and only 2 hands. What's up with the poll? you might ask. I'm gathering information for the article on knitting I've been asked to write for Live Artfully Magazine, so please participate. I haven't started any new knitting projects this week. Time just flew by. I plan on starting the Shalom Cardigan this weekend if time permits. I love to cook and haven't had much time the past few years to do so other than the quick and easy "we have to eat" meals. I'm proud to say, I'm back in the kitchen again. I made one of my favorites, Eggplant Parmesan. I used to bread and fry the eggplant, saute mushrooms, throw in some ricotta, marinara sauce, and mozzarella and then bake it. But now that TJ's has the eggplant cutlets all ready to go, it's no longer a three hour ordeal. Thanks TJ's. Have a great weekend!!

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